YPO PARTY – MELS – Modular VJ set using unreal


Here is a workflow I started to build for some Christmas and organisation party at MELS virtual production studio. Few parties were organised at the virtual production stage and the mandate for one was to create a pacing « visual show » arround the idea of « creative euphoria ».
By being on of the only artist working on the project, I had to imagine a worfklow and way of creating the content that will permit me to deliver on time. I had the idea to create some sort of a « general virtual scenography, the idea of a giant abstract tree, that will take over the full led screen at mels, and represent the « icon » of the night : but this tree will be textured by creative and colorfull texture, tilable, that I generated inside midjourney.

This workflow permitted to create a large range of esthetic since changing the texture changed the all look of things. I liked this idea also because it permit to create some form that is present for the all night, but always renew itself by changing textures, speed, colors, and also sometime starting to move

For the technical VJ setup, we got :